Welcome to IPR4SC

IPR made simple with the IP Monitor.

Make finding the best tool or database easier with our user-friendly IP Monitor platform

IP Monitor is a search engine that every inventor, creator, business owner, investor, and those that are interested in intellectual property rights needs. It contains valuable information on intellectual property rights (IPR) databases and tools.

Get up-to-date information on over 500 patent, trademark, industrial design, SPC, GI other IPR and technology databases and tools, so you can make informed decisions about which suit your needs best.

Get information on how to use selected IP solutions to support circularity and sustainability.

Find the best databases and tools for your IP activities, including those powered by AI and discover the potential of open access and high-end tools with experts pointing out their functionalities.

What is IPR4SC?

IPR4SC is an acronym for Developing Skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for Sustainability and Circularity.

General information

Intellectual property supports creativity, innovation, technology transfer and sustainability and circularity.


A patent grants inventors exclusive rights to commercialize their inventions for a specified period, thus fostering innovation.


Industrial design focuses on a product's visual appeal and protection, and allows their owners to commercially exploit the design.


Trademarks secure brand exclusivity, legal protection, and consistency for names, logos, and slogans.

Geographical indications

Geographical indications protect regional product names, also guaranteeing quality and preserving cultural heritage and traditions.

Searching for Patent Data

Thorough patent searches are crucial when seeking a patent to ensure uniqueness and avoid infringement.

Our Green Hub

IP supporting circularity and sustainability

Explore the intersection of green and circular economy and innovation data.

Green Economy

Green economy promotes sustainable growth while addressing environmental issues and fostering social inclusion.

Circular Economy

Circular economy minimizes waste, maximizes resource efficiency, and promotes sustainability through reuse and recycling.

Green Innovation Data

Green innovation data focuses on sustainable inventions, especially green patents that advance eco-friendly technologies.

IP Monitor related offerings

Join our free online course

Our course combines the essentials of intellectual property, innovation, sustainability and circular economy.


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Guiding tool through a wide selection of IP databases, IP tools, TTO platforms and IP attorneys resources.
ABOUT US (Erasmus+ IPR4SC)

Find the best tool or database easily with our user-friendly IP Monitor platform.

IPR4SC is an acronym for Developing Skills in Intellectual Property Rights Open Data for Sustainability and Circularity.

IPR4SC is an Erasmus+ project that aims to address the lack of intellectual property skills for sustainable business and circular economy and thus help reduce globalisation, increase local employment and local resource security. .

The general aim of the project is to increase the innovation capacity of EU inventors, trained in HE and VET organisations, in designing and implementing sustainable business and circular economy by boosting IP for business skills.


HE and VET organisations will provide educational offerings adapted to different target groups, using open resources, and supporting putting IP for business into practice.

Faculty of information studies

Novo Mesto, Slovenia

NORD University

Bodo, Norway


Firenze, Italy


Kamnik, Slovenia

Erre Quadro

Pisa, Italy

Faculty of information studies

Novo Mesto, Slovenia

NORD University

Bodo, Norway


Firenze, Italy


Kamnik, Slovenia

Erre Quadro

Pisa, Italy


Latest news & article

Annual Conference of the European Policy for Intellectual Property

The Annual Conference of the European Policy for Intellectual Property (EPIP)  is an exceptional opportunity for interdisciplinary collaboration and in-depth discussions about the future of intellectual property amid the new data economy. It will

AI and IP: A Green Perspective

AI’s capabilities in optimizing renewable energy systems, smart agriculture, waste management, and climate modeling are transformative. For instance, AI algorithms enhance the efficiency of wind