First edition of the I2P4Green course completed

Both innovation and intellectual property (IP) are enablers of sustainability and circular economy. But for these powerful tools to truly drive change, we need to understand their impact and develop the skills to implement them effectively.

Enter the I2P4Green course, a pioneering initiative from the IPR4SC project. With over 150 applicants across our higher education and vocational training versions, the demand for such courses is clear. One participant beautifully summarized the experience: “The course made me see things differently.” This reflects our goal: to inspire new professional perspectives through the lens of circular economy and IP. Another participant, a decision-maker, shared, “I now feel equipped to leave a positive footprint in a greener future for my city.” We are happy to see that we also managed to reach decision-makers, who can act as future catalysts as well.
This online course featured a blend of synchronous and asynchronous learning. It was an enriching experience for us as educators, enhancing our collaborative efforts and refining our approach to mixed teaching formats. We’ve found that integrating strong introductions, engaging mid-course comments, and stimulating end discussions is a winning formula for combining recorded content with live sessions.

Stay tuned for more insights and lessons learned from our journey, perfect for anyone looking to replicate this or a similar course.

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