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Green Hub

What is in it for you?

Green Economy

A green economy is an environmentally friendly and resource-efficient economic system that aims to balance economic growth with social and environmental considerations to achieve sustainable development. It involves investing in renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, green building, and efficient use of natural resources. The green economy can create new job opportunities and promote social inclusion while addressing challenges such as climate change, resource depletion, and social inequality. Ultimately, the green economy improves human well-being while reducing environmental risks, greenhouse gas emissions and ecological scarcities.

Circular Economy

A circular economy is an economic model that aims to minimise waste, maximise resource efficiency, and promote sustainable practices. It involves designing products, systems, and processes in a way that emphasises reuse, recycling, and regeneration. It aims to close, narrow and/or slow loops. Consequently, instead of the traditional linear “take-make-dispose” approach, a circular economy strives to keep products and materials in use for as long as possible, extracting their maximum value and reducing environmental impacts. It encourages strategies such as product redesign, extended product lifespan, efficient resource management, and closed-loop recycling to create a system where resources are constantly circulated and waste is minimised, leading to a more sustainable and resilient economy.

Green Innovation Data


“Green innovation” refers to new technologies or processes that are designed to reduce negative impacts on the environment and promote sustainability. These innovations can range from energy-efficient appliances to renewable energy sources, from waste reduction processes to biodegradable materials. Several field-specific types of related technologies exist. For example, Clean Energy Technologies (CETs) are technologies that focus on generating energy from renewable sources, minimising greenhouse gas emissions (GHG), and reducing reliance on fossil fuels.

Green patents protect environmentally friendly inventions. They promote innovation and encourage the adoption of sustainable technologies. Green patents can also be used to create value for companies by enhancing their reputation and attracting environmentally conscious customers and investors. Overall, green patents contribute to sustainable development by facilitating the transfer and dissemination of environmentally friendly technologies and driving the adoption of sustainable practices across industries.

Several other expressions are also relevant in this regard. For example, Environmentally Sound Technologies (ESTs) are technologies that help protect and preserve the environment while promoting sustainable development. To identify intellectual property related to ESTs, one can conduct a search through patent databases, use IP tools or technology transfer platforms, as well as consult scientific literature, to look for inventions, innovations, or research publications that address environmental challenges and provide sustainable solutions.


Circular patents refer to inventions that promote a circular economy by reducing waste, increasing resource efficiency, and facilitating reuse or recycling. These patents cover technologies and processes that create closed-loop systems and keep resources in use for longer. Circular patents are becoming increasingly important for achieving sustainable and resilient economic systems. Governments and companies worldwide are encouraging and incentivizing circular patenting and innovation. By promoting circular patents, inventors and companies can contribute to creating a sustainable and circular economy and gain a competitive advantage.


Sustainable patents are inventions that promote environmental sustainability and social responsibility by using renewable resources, reducing waste and pollution, or promoting conservation. They meet present needs without harming future generations. Many countries and companies have initiatives to promote sustainable innovation and patenting. Sustainable patents can lead to a competitive advantage while contributing to a more sustainable future.

Green Patents

Green patents refer to patents connected to environmentally friendly or sustainable technologies. They are granted for inventions that contribute to mitigating environmental problems, improving energy efficiency, reducing greenhouse gas emissions, conserving resources, or promoting sustainable development. They can cover a wide range of technologies and innovations, including renewable energy systems, energy-efficient appliances, waste management solutions, water conservation technologies, and more. These patents encourage and protect inventors’ rights to their environmentally friendly inventions, providing incentives for further research and development in the field of sustainability.

WIPO GREEN Database is a free database administered by World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) that connects needs for solving environmental or climate change problems with tangible solutions. The database consists of user uploads of needs and solutions, green technology patents from the WIPO Patentscope database, imports from select partner organisations, relevant knowledge material, and relevant expert profiles.

Green Trademarks

Green trademarks are used to indicate that a product or service is environmentally friendly or meets certain sustainability criteria. They are used by companies to distinguish their environmentally conscious offerings from conventional products or services in the marketplace. They can take various forms, including words, logos, symbols, or combinations thereof. They are typically used on product packaging or promotional materials to communicate the eco-friendly attributes of the product or service. For example, a green trademark might highlight that a product is made from recycled materials, uses renewable energy, or has a reduced carbon footprint. Their purpose is to help consumers make informed choices by easily identifying products or services that align with their environmental values.

Green EU trademarks: the European Union has implemented various initiatives and programs to promote and recognize environmentally friendly products and services. One prominent example is the EU Ecolabel: https://environment.ec.europa.eu/topics/circular-economy/eu-ecolabel-home_en

The first study of Green EU Trade Marks (EUTMs) was carried out in 2021 by the EUIPO and shows that filings of ‘green’ EUTMs have increased significantly since the Office began operating in 1996, both in absolute figures and as a proportion of all EUTM filings, and that this trend continued: https://euipo.europa.eu/tunnel-web/secure/webdav/guest/document_library/observatory/documents/reports/2023_Green_EUTM_report_update_2022/2023_Green_EUTM_report_2022_update_FullR_en.pdf

Geographical indications + sustainability & circular economy

Geographical indications (GI) can play different roles to promote sustainability and circularity, from those connected to the social inclusion and respect and integration of traditional crafts, products, and processes, to those connected to the conservation of biodiversity and closing local loops, which are especially relevant for a circular economy.

Preservation of Traditional Production Methods: GIs often protect products that are produced using traditional methods and techniques that have been developed over generations. These methods may be more sustainable and environmentally friendly compared to modern production methods that rely heavily on synthetic inputs or energy-intensive processes. By protecting traditional production methods through GIs, sustainable practices can be preserved, contributing to the preservation of cultural heritage and local knowledge.

Conservation of Biodiversity: GIs can be used to protect products that are closely linked to specific geographical areas and are dependent on unique local ecosystems and biodiversity. This can incentivize the conservation and sustainable management of natural resources, as well as the preservation of traditional agricultural practices that promote biodiversity and ecosystem health. This, in turn, can contribute to the sustainability of local ecosystems and support the circular economy by promoting regenerative agriculture practices.

Promotion of Local Economies: GIs can help support local economies by promoting products from specific regions, which can contribute to the development of local industries, employment opportunities, and economic growth. This can foster local sustainability by supporting small-scale producers and businesses, promoting fair trade practices, and reducing the reliance on long-distance transportation and associated environmental costs.

Reduction of Environmental Footprint: GIs can include criteria related to the environmental impact of production processes, such as restrictions on the use of certain chemicals, energy consumption, or waste generation. By promoting environmentally friendly practices through GI protection, sustainability and circular economy principles can be encouraged, leading to a reduced environmental footprint of production processes and products.

Promotion of Consumer Awareness: GIs can create consumer awareness about the origin and quality of products, which can lead to more informed purchasing decisions. This can contribute to sustainable consumption patterns, as consumers may prioritise products with recognized GIs that are associated with specific environmental or social values, such as organic farming, fair trade, or environmentally friendly production practices.